Communication Policy


This website is maintained and operated by Heating and Home. All franchise and subsidiary companies of Heating and Home maintain the same policies, individual county websites may be managed on a local level by representatives. If you have any issues with any franchise, subsidiary, sales partner, affiliate or reseller then please contact Heating and Home Directly so we can investigate the issue. 


Heating and home. International House International House, Southampton International Business Park, Southampton, England, SO18 2RZ.

Heating&Home  is committed to being a market leader in the way we conduct business. Suitability of products in line with customers needs and the general principles of transparency, openness, honesty, and clarity in the way we conduct our business are key issues in our Communication Policy.

Pivotal to our business is the fundamental principle of Treating Customers Fairly in the way we advertise and the way we interact with customers. We also require that our employees and business partners do likewise.

The hallmark of a good Communication Policy is a strong, ethical, and compliance-oriented tone emanating from the company’s leadership team. Transparency, communication and candor are important in any dialogue across the entire business. Anything short of this may detract from a relationship of trust.

It is important that we adhere to the Regulatory Rules and Principles imposed upon us to remain a fit and proper business and aim to achieve this by having strong systems and controls in place which ensure that we maintain high standards across the entire business.


  • We will maintain and regularly review the systems and controls pertinent to our business model
  • We will adhere to the laws, regulations, rules, guidance and codes of conduct laid down by our regulators
  • We will have a business model where internal communication and the decision making process affecting our day to day practices is paramount
  • We will provide ongoing training in all aspects of our business to our staff
  • We will continually monitor all aspects of our business to ensure that they remain effective and efficient in line with our fundamental principles of responsible lending and treating customers fairly.


Central to our business culture is that of Treating Customers Fairly. To us, that means communicating with you at regular intervals about your membership with us. This is because customers needs and the suitability of products or services for that need are constantly changing.

Communication ensures that both the customer and the business are up to date with your details and needs.

We will always send you a welcome email once you have signed up with us. We will also email you if you haven’t completed your application, this could be to see if there was any issue or fault or to remind you of our service that you showed interest in.

We will then either call, email or SMS you several times throughout the year to make sure that the membership you have continues to meet your needs and remains suitable.

We will not harass you or call you more than this unless we need to communicate with you e.g. regarding winnings or any issues.

Who might have access to your personal information?

Internal Disclosures within the Clipeus Group: To provide our services, your data is shared across companies within the Clipeus Group. This sharing is often necessary for efficient business operations, fraud prevention, or due to changes in our company's structure. These companies include Clipeus Services Ltd and Clipeus Ltd. Are company is split into two sectors, regulated insurance activities and non non regulated repair work.

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